Tuesday 20 April 2010

Man Of The Match

Man Of The Match Link http://mnf.doodle.com/4uix2i77i53dcn2k

Max – 7 – Another ok display of safe handling and big saves when they needed to be made. The odd kicking mishap can be excused when he plays this well.

Dave Lee – 8 – Solid defensively again and starting to form a very good understanding with Baum down the left that gives us another option down that side.

Gink – 8 – Followed up last weeks display with more power and calm defending. Passed well and only caught out for a couple of goals.

Warren – 9 – Almost as good as his partner in midfield, offering wonderful calmness against White’s threats with measured but committed defending.

Gotts – 8 – Stood tall again when up against a quality midfield in greater numbers. Covered more ground than usual and hardly gave the ball away while keeping the pace to our game ticking over.

Dan Reese – 8 – The key player to our midfield dominance and has proved over the last two games he can play well in the centre. His successful passes were almost as much as the rest of the midfield put together.

Jason – 9 – Took Letzer to the cleaners then repeated the trick with Cooper. Another richly deserved goal, an amazing engine.

Baum – 7 – The most peripheral of the forwards but got through plenty of work and rarely tried to force the issue when keeping possession was required.

Monday 19 April 2010


Hi buddies. Ready for a mega-exciting super-hot literally unbelievably good MNF? Then you’ve come to the wrong place. HAHA. Let’s go. Right now I was supposed to be sitting up the front of Aiirbus A340, being tucked in by a gorgeous Virgin Air Stewadess, but Kerry Contona decides to open the wrong fridge door at Iceland and doom ensues. Now normally I’d be really upset not having my flat bed flight to LA but the mighty Spurs beating the Arse & Chelski in the same week has completely softned the blow. Not only that I get to perform on the biggest football stage this side of the A406 - failing a mass of Volcanic Ash getting stuck in Shimon Dewogfrauds throat causing him to play crap and moan like Drogba at the start of the second half (what a girl) at tonights MNF

Teams below and spare a thought for those MNFers that are stuck in Arkley, Mill Hill and Italy!

1. Jason
2. Silver
3. Defraud
4. Singer
5. Cooper
6. Damon
7. Rat
8. Need One More


9. Dan Reese
10. Baum
11. Dave Jones
12. Didge
13. Warren
14. Maxter
15. Gotts
16. Gink

Friday 16 April 2010

Dewogfrauds Wedding Invite



The Dewogfraud Wedding invite (below) eh? What a treat. It’s not real partying of course, being the equestrianism equivalent of Twenty20 cricket or the Community Shield, but it’s a good opportunity for some bad speeches & Pony Tage catering. Bad because for one day a year everyone in the country is invited, children and prisoners included & 2 because no one knows when Paul Eden will be back in the UK. No one, that is, except Shimmmon. Who’s a three-time worst Best Man speech champion and is giving some unbelievably top tips on delivering a pizza. Listen hard. Learn big. Its also that time of the year when we enter the annual 5-aside comp (this time at Power league Mill Hill) its June 6th @1.30pm need to know who’s in to see if we can beat our record of 2 semi finals in 2 years……………who fancy’s the MNF soccerette????